Hi, everyone, Steve here again, Clinical Lead for stimuli. Welcome to my second CBT course, looking at cognitive behavioural therapy strategies to help manage ADHD and symptoms of ADHD.
I really hope that you found the first course useful, it was fairly heavily focused on anxiety. So the thing for me really, before we move forward is just to make sure that you are using as many strategies as you can really, and I can't emphasize enough the importance of repetition and practice really. It's so so important because it can take time to break old habits. The second course is perhaps a little denser, it's a little heavier than the previous one. Again, I really hope it's useful to you.
It's mostly focused on self-esteem and the impact of ADHD, on the way we see ourselves, others and the world around us. But equally, there are some strategies within that and also some education. We also look at trying to tackle perfectionism, and some important topics such as ADHD in women can be found in this course.
I hope you enjoy and I hope it's helpful.