Welcome back to day three of ADHD and relationships. We've discussed so far kind of different types of relationships, and kind of making everyone on the same page with ADHD. But now it's taking that and looking at how specifically ADHD impacts you and your partner, or you and any relationship that you may have, specifically. And I just want to highlight that, not one person with ADHD is the same, and that means that not one relationship with ADHD is the same. So that's why for this session, I really want to take you on an exploration activity that I did with my partner. And a lot of our clients do. This can really give you some new insight as to how ADHD specifically comes up, but also how it's very separate from the relationship itself. So I invite you to take to come on this exploration with me.So step one, grab a piece of paper. If there's two of you in the relationship that have ADHD, grab two. Step one, draw two circles, that overlap like a Venn diagram. In one circle, write "ADHD", in the other, write the individuals name with ADHD, and in the centre, write both. Step two, think of an experience in your relationship that is, was, or is still, very challenging. Talk about that. As you reflect on this, I want you to use those circles. And I want you to write down what you perceived in that challenge to be as the ADHD. What was the ADHD's impact in that challenge? Then what was the person that has ADHD's impact in that challenge? And in the middle, what could be both?Step three, when you've got that, look back at your circles, what do you see? What do you notice? What's in the ADHD one? What's in the person's? What's both? Usually it can be quite eye opening to see that the ADHD can be separate from the person themselves. So step four, building on that. I'm going to read out some specific ADHD challenges and I want you to note down in the circles any more that you can think of, and that you and your partner can relate to, either from this list or from your knowledge. Remember, the key question is, is it ADHD, or the individual? Poor attention to detail? Difficulty getting started and completing tasks? Difficulty focusing, regulating attention? Forgetfulness? Working memory? Losing things very easily? Difficulty with time management, being late? Difficulty with organisational skills of time, planning? Or the house itself? Being very restless and fidgeting a lot? Interrupting conversations, interjecting in conversations? Talking excessively and nonstop? Emotional regulation challenges? Getting frustrated easily? Jumping to conclusions?And these are just a few. What else can you think of. Step five, finally, reflect on your findings. What does this circle tell you? What does the ADHD one tell you, what does the individual and tell you? How do these ADHD challenges impact your relationship? Yeah, we thought of one experience, think of other ones. How does those ADHD challenge impact this relationship? And seeing this in front of you, does this change anything for you? I know for me, it gave me insight, perspective, and compassion. And I hope that this exercise has given you some insight how ADHD, yes, specifically affects your relationship, but also acknowledgement that some of these difficulties you are facing are not always due to the individual themselves but ADHD. And when you can see that, and we have that mindset or perspective, it means there can be compassion, understanding and a deeper level that can help us move forward. Because that's what we want here. We want to be together, love each other and move forward. And tomorrow we're going to take that first step of building those skills to move forward in our relationships.